Hello, friends. The title of this post, Unwritten, is my one-word theme for 2025. Because, guess what? I am retiring at the end of February. The “project” that needed “tweaking” I wrote about in my last post was informing everyone in my department of my plans – I had given my notice formally to HR the week before, but I was a little nervous about letting the cat out of the bag completely until I told my immediate coworkers last Wednesday.

Do you remember the song “Unwritten” sung by Natasha Bedingfield in the early 2000’s? The lyrics in part go, “Today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten.” It’s very much an empowerment song, and it feels appropriate for this major transition I’ll be making. One chapter of my life is coming to a close and the next one sits before me, outlined carefully but not yet written.

Initially I’m going to move to Connecticut to help my sisters take care of my mother. Chris will come here half-way through February to spend my last two weeks in Ohio with me, then help me move what little stuff I have here to CT. The timeline after that is fuzzy, it all depends on the situation with my mother, but eventually, at some point, I will be moving to New Zealand. To be with my husband! What a concept!

I am very, very, very, very ready to retire. I have so much I want to do, so much I want to learn. I’m excited.

Speaking of “so much I want to do,” here is my 25 for 2025 list:

  1. Retire!
  2. Send updated addresses (CT and NZ) to all my friends
  3. Read 25 novels
  4. Get new eyeglasses
  5. Grow my hair to ponytail length
  6. Get a new pair of trail sneakers
  7. Figure out the next level of camera gear I want
  8. Get a massage
  9. Memorize one poem
  10. Do one meat-free month
  11. Get into a sunscreen habit
  12. Get into a nightly skin-care habit
  13. Play around with temporary tattoos
  14. Write in my computer-based journal every day, even if it’s just one sentence
  15. Shift my Instagram account to better mirror the Measure of Calm theme
  16. Hike with Paula  
  17. Do an overnight trip to Kapiti Island with Chris
  18. Meet with a trainer at the gym to create a strength training routine that doesn’t require machines
  19. Join a photography club
  20. Update my birding life list
  21. Increase my proficiency with Adobe Lightroom
  22. Increase my proficiency with my camera
  23. Go to the beach with Sam and Pokey
  24. Go to Martha’s Vineyard
  25. Spend a weekend with my college friends 

I’m tickled pink that, inspired by me, both Chloe and Sam have created their own 25 for 2025 lists. It really is a fun exercise, much more fun than making a New Year’s resolution that you’re pretty sure you’ll never keep even as you make it. All of the items on my list, even the challenging ones, are things I know I will enjoy. Give it a try!


Michelle xoxo