One of my first “Things That Make Me Happy” posts was about how much I enjoy seeing wildlife around the neighborhood, especially less common animals like foxes and opossums. Now, robins are pretty much ubiquitous – you can’t walk very far in this neighborhood without seeing one bob-bob-bobbing along beside you. But yesterday afternoon when Sam and I were walking out the front door to go for a walk, he opened the door and abruptly closed it again. He said that a bird had been sitting on our wreath and flew away.

Sure enough, when we carefully opened the door again and looked at the door, we saw this:

And when we carefully took a photo of the inside of the nest, we saw this:

And when I looked at the door this morning I saw this:

So, we’re no longer using the front door – we’ll come and go through the garage door – until the mother robin no longer needs her nest. Pretty soon I’m sure we’ll hear the high pitched peeps of four little hungry mouths.

And that makes me happy.

Have a wonderful weekend, friends. I’ll see you back here on Monday. xoxo