Gray Day

I went for a walk in “my” woods today. Took my phone and my “real camera” and stood still for about 45 minutes in an area that usually has a bit of activity. Nothing. Not a bird to be seen. The closest I got to seeing a bird was hearing some crows calling way off in the distance. I’m sure there must be busy times and slow times each day, a sort of rhythm to the forest life, and one day soon I’m planning to spend several hours just observing those daily patterns (I’ve been eyeing this camp stool from Amazon for just such a foray). I do notice that there are slow periods and times when the birds are jockeying for position at our backyard feeder, and I often wonder what the birds do when they aren’t feeding.

It wasn’t the most pleasant of days for a walk outside – gray skies, damp cold, wet leaves, mud – but it was good to fill my lungs with fresh air, and the best sort of meditation to stand still among the bare trees, watching and listening. 

It had been about a week and a half since I had gone for a walk – my weekday routine these days is to get up at 6, exercise for 30 minutes on my stationary bike, shower, dress, and log into my work computer by 7. I then work 9 1/2 to 10 hours, sometimes stopping for an actual lunch break (as opposed to grabbing something and eating it in front of the computer). This will be my routine for at least another month, at which point things will start to be less busy at work, I will resume my morning walks, and will work 8:30-4:30 again. And take lunch breaks! Every day! 

I do make a point to stretch a couple of times a day. I leave my yoga mat out at all times so that I can flop down and stretch for 5 minutes or so whenever I feel like I can’t remain seated one more second. I’m trying to envision a way that I can continue that practice when I return to the office (I’m not sure when that will happen, but I’m hoping for June). 

I have been getting a lot of pleasure these days out of periodically checking the sunrise and sunset times online. Today sunset where I live will happen at 5:24pm. On December 20th sunset was 4:59pm. I love knowing that the days are getting longer, even by a minute or so, each day. I love looking forward to see what the sunset time will be at the end of this month (5:41pm) or at the end of February (6:16pm!!!!) I’m not wishing my life away, crossing off the days until we change the clocks back again (March 13/14!) – I used to do that sort of thing, before cancer. Now I know better. It’s enough to know that this day that I’m in right now is just a little bit longer than yesterday.

Have a great week, friends. 


Michelle xoxo