Ordinary Days

Hello friends! I hope your summer is going well. As I write this I’m sitting next to a snoozing puppy – a sleeping puppy is a wonderful thing. I don’t really have a lot to report. My days consist of getting up at 6, walking a lap around the neighborhood with Sam and Pokey, walking another lap by myself, doing 30 minutes of yoga, shower/dress/breakfast, 8 hours in front of the computer, a couple more laps around the block with Chris, call my mom, dinner, tv show, puppy play, repeat. I also fit some reading in here and there. And hummingbird watching. On weekends there is more puppy, more reading, more hummingbird watching, no sitting in front of the computer. 

Within this pretty ordinary structure, some less-than-ordinary events:

  • A trip with Pokey to the Emergency Veterinary Hospital. We thought he had swallowed a straight (sewing) pin. Two and a half hours of waiting and three very expensive x-rays later, we learned that he did not in fact swallow a straight pin. 
  • One night as I was standing in the back yard with Pokey, waiting for him to pee, he became very alert to something. I looked up to see what that something was and saw that it was a skunk walking across the top of our yard where it bordered our neighbor’s yard. To say I moved quickly to pick Pokey up and get both of us inside would be an understatement.
  • A mother squirrel leading five baby squirrels across the telephone line that runs across the corner of our yard. Amazing that they are born with such balance. 
  • One morning as Sam and I were walking with Pokey we saw a cat-sized animal scurrying around the street and front yards about 50 yards from us, making funny warbling noises. Turned out it was a (young, I think) raccoon. We walked in the opposite direction, less quickly than I had with the skunk but with what we called in the military a “sense of urgency.”
  • I saw a pileated woodpecker fly low through our neighborhood, calling as it went. Lovely.
  • One morning on my solo walk, the heavens opened up as I was about half-way around the block. There was nothing to do but to keep walking and I was very soon soaked to the skin. Now, I’m not generally one of those perky creatures who count “walking in the rain” as one of my favorite things. I’m not a big fan of getting wet. But once I couldn’t get much more wet, I found the experience exhilarating. It brought to mind days at the beach when I was young, for in what other circumstance does a person generally find themselves soaking wet outside? 
  • A mother deer with two tiny fawns in our back yard, the fawns frolicking back and forth while the mother waited patiently. 
  • Our “wall of daisies” has started to bloom. There are easily more than a thousand buds in various stages of bursting forth with sunny goodness.

Today is Sunday and I’m feeling delightfully snoozy myself. I might just take a wee nap. Take care, friends. See you soon.


Michelle xoxo 

The Summer of Pokey

First nap of the day, after waking at 5am
As he gets older, his ears will stick straight up. 🙂

I think if we did a DNA test on him, we’d definitely find out he’s part “Scamp”
Those eyelashes!!!

As you can see above, we have a puppy. His name is Pokey and he is a hybrid breed – chihuahua and toy fox terrier. Sam and I drove to Eastern Indiana to pick him up on Sunday and he has turned our lives upside down. Puppies are like babies, several people have said to me this week. Yes, I say, but you can put a diaper on a baby and they can’t run around for several months. Oh yes, and they’re (usually) born without teeth. 

Since January I have thought of 2021 as my “Year of Yoga.” I really enjoy my daily yoga practice. I’ve mentioned here before how satisfying it has been to notice improvements in my strength, flexibility, and balance. I also have a goal/dream of transitioning to in-person classes and going through instructor training in 2022. 

But if 2021 is my “Year of Yoga,” the summer of 2021 is definitely going to be our “Summer of Pokey.” Getting a chihuahua puppy has been a dream of Sam’s since he was about 10 years old. This summer after graduation but before his first grown-up job seemed like a perfect time to get that puppy and train him up before Sam moves on with his life. I told Sam that I would be his back-up and help out in any way I could during these first crucial months. 

Pokey could not be more adorable. He is sweet and affectionate and really smart (proud grandma here). He is also a handful, as pretty much all puppies are. I’ve had puppies before, but I was younger then and I think I had blocked out all the bad parts. So as much as I truly love this little guy, it’s good to have this reminder of what puppies are like, and I know that if I ever get a dog or cat in the future it will be of the adult variety.

Sorry I’ve been absent here lately. I’ve just been in a funk for the last month or so. I’ve been taking fewer photos too, and usually I start creating each blog post around the photos that I took over the previous few days. I really don’t want this blog to tail off into nonexistence. Since I’m not on social media, I like being able to communicate in this way with friends and family and whoever else out there in the world happens upon the blog. So please know that I’m not giving up on the blog and I do want it to continue but I’m struggling a bit at the moment with finding the type of energy needed to write these posts.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!


Michelle xoxo