Say Hello to my Little (and not so little) Friends

Hello, friends. I’ve noticed since starting this blog that there are stretches of time where I just cannot find my voice – I think about the prospect of writing a post and absolutely no words will come. I’ve read many writers who have given the advice that one must develop a daily writing routine, that many days not much will come, but inspiration must find you while you’re working. I’m starting to think about what I want to accomplish in 2021, and so maybe a daily writing practice – no matter what – will be a part of those goals. We’ll see.

Sam is back home for the holiday break and we are making the most of our time together. We have done crafty things, gone for long walks, watched the sunset, and have lots of other Christmas-y stuff planned. I will share some of our projects with you in my next post.

I have been enjoying watching our birds and furry creatures every day. Chris put our pumpkins out back on our grass-clippings-pile after Thanksgiving, and the deer have been very appreciative. One day we looked out and saw two deer just hanging out at the top of our yard, enjoying a shaft of sunlight that was bathing that space. They stayed for at least an hour, and I can’t tell you how calming it felt to turn from my work at my computer periodically and see them there.

I’m beginning to be able to identify some of the squirrels that scrounge for seeds under the bird feeder. One little guy with a messed-up ear has been dubbed Scrappy. He’s my favorite. I very rarely see chipmunks by the feeder, but one morning a chipmunk spent several minutes scratching around for seeds. And I saw a mole! I know that gardeners and owners of lawns in general tend to despise moles, seeing them as terrible pests. But you see, I’m a terrible gardener. And the lawns are Chris’ territory. So I’ll continue to view this little fellow with as much affection as I would Moley from The Wind in the Willows. UPDATE! After getting a better look at our burrowing friend, as well as doing some internet research, I realize that he is not a mole but is in fact a shrew! Still love him!

Today I made a decision to not keep up with the news at least until Christmas is over. It’s a self-care thing. I periodically try to step back a bit, but then I get sucked back in. Lately it’s been like a train wreck – it’s very hard to look away. But I must. And I will. If something truly important happens in the world between now and then, I’m sure someone will let me know. If I like how I feel in two weeks, I will extend the moratorium until the New Year.

Enjoy your weekend, friends!


Michelle xoxo