Things That Make Me Happy #13

These peonies took 4 days to open – definitely something I looked forward to all week

I saw a quote once, probably on a meme, that said that all you need for happiness is someone to love, something to do, and something to look forward to. Trying to get proper attribution for the quote, I saw it credited to sources as diverse as Elvis Presley, Rita Mae Brown, and Immanuel Kant. I’m pretty sure it didn’t originate with Elvis, but you never know. 

I’m a big believer in the power of having something to look forward to. I mentioned this a few days ago in my post about creating a positive work space. Another thing I do related to the work environment is make my password for getting into my work computer something I’m looking forward to. A couple years ago it was “London18Paris.” This year’s password, which I’m still using, also relates to a trip I was hoping to take in 2020. Needless to say it’s not happening, but I haven’t decided what I want to change the password to.

When Sam and I go on walks, we often talk of weighty topics – the state of the world, politics, etc. Usually after such serious talk, I change the subject by saying, “Let’s talk about things you’re looking forward to.” It never fails to lighten the mood and end the walk on an up beat.

With the virus still out there in full force, a lot of things on my list of things to look forward to have been erased. I’m planning to write next week about my “20 for 2020” list and how I’m having to revise it radically due to COVID19. But there are still things, large and small, to look forward to. Here are some things I’m looking forward to right now:

  • I have some bananas ripening on the kitchen counter. When they get all brown and mushy there will be banana bread
  • I will be talking to my mother right after posting this  
  • I broke down and did some retail therapy recently and there are a couple of packages slowly making their way to me
  • Saturday and Sunday!
  • We have daisies (my favorite flower!) growing along the entire side of our garage and they will be blooming soon

I read this article about having things to look forward to during this time of cancelled plans and an uncertain future. Maybe it will spark some ideas for you as well.

Have a wonderful weekend, my friends.

Michelle xoxo