Stay-at-Home Life

My remote office aka half of the dining room table (Sam works on the other half)

How are you all doing out there? My typing is clumsy today because I accidentally sliced into my finger when I was cutting apples for the dehydrator this morning. Nothing that required a trip to the doctor, thank goodness, but I’m not sure how bad it is because I made Chris take care of it while I looked the other way.

Today at 2:00 pm Governor DeWine extended the stay-at-home order for Ohio through May 1 to help slow the spread of coronavirus. I’m sure no one is surprised – it still feels like we are just getting a glimpse of how bad it will soon be.

This stay-at-home business is weird. Hard in some ways, enjoyable in other ways, strange always. I can get caught in the doldrums if I’m not careful. My default setting seems to be “a nap would be good right now.” Naps are tricky, though. Too long of a nap and I feel worse than when I started.

I’m working on a killer 1,000-piece puzzle which keeps me focused and away from the snack cupboard. I’m trying to read more, with mixed results. I go for about three walks a day, for a total of about 7 miles a day. I’m dehydrating up a storm, making a new batch of crackers this week (almond/tomato/basil) as well as banana and apple chips. Today the weather was pretty enough to bring the patio bench outside from the garage and I sat there looking at the trees budding out as I meditated this morning.

There is so much for which to be grateful (I have a job, we are all virus-free and well fed, and on and on) but I’d be lying if I said everything is rosy and I feel fine. I feel off-kilter. I also have news fatigue. Up until a few days ago I had to limit myself to only checking the news outlets twice a day. Now I force myself to look at it once a day, just so I can stay well informed. When Chris is watching Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow on MSNBC each evening, I’m in a different room, working my puzzle. I have to nurture my mental health at this time, and the virus news coming from the television just feels so loud and jarring. I’d rather get my one quiet dose a day from my laptop.

Tomorrow I’m going to add a couple more short walks to see if more fresh air helps. The weather is supposed to be beautiful here in northeast Ohio for the next few days, and I’m going to take full advantage.

Take ever so gentle care of yourselves, friends. You are dear to me.


The puzzle – I’ll post a photo when it’s finished!
Walking, walking, walking
Banana chips – these don’t last long around here!
This book is truly delightful.
My view this morning while meditating – the new buds are so pretty against the blue sky!
View from the couch where I take my naps.
Where we walk during off-peak hours
Soaking in the beauty of nature.

Seen On My Morning Walk – Part Two

And remember this house?

Out front this morning:

We are hunkering down here – coffee machine coffee, puzzles, the start of online classes for Sam now that the weirdest Spring Break ever is over. Chris is composing in his studio, as usual. It still feels so surreal, and I’m not used to this “new normal” – will most likely never get used to it, but spirits are moderately high (thanks to lots of fresh air and walks). Actually, I can’t honestly say spirits are moderately high. Let’s say, spirits are moderately moderate and hanging in there. I hope you are hanging in there, too, being gentle with yourself, and staying healthy.


Michelle xoxo