
There is a tradition in our neighborhood (and perhaps yours) that if someone has something still of value that they want to get rid of, they put it out by the curb a couple of days before the garbage pickup. Usually one person’s trash is another person’s treasure (as when Sam found a perfectly good xBox console in front of the house of neighbors who were hastily cleaning house before a move) and everyone emerges from the deal satisfied.

On my walk this morning I saw that my neighbor Barbara had put out this mirror. I was sorely tempted to take it, but my overall tendency these days is to get rid of, not acquire.

I did, however, see an opportunity to take some photos. I did not touch the mirror; I simply took my photos from different angles and positions.

Maybe I’m feeling extra-introspective this week, but the mirror made me think about perspective – about how something can look so different depending upon what angle is used to view it.

Peace and love to you,

Michelle xoxo