Wide Open Spaces

Twenty-one years ago today, I became a mother. Today will be a busy day – working half a day from 7am to 11, then driving 4 hours to where my son Sam goes to college so that I can celebrate with him. Then the four hour drive back home. That sounds brutal, but it’s actually an easy and enjoyable drive. Usually I listen to a lot of podcasts to pass the time, and I stop at the same places along the way for gas and coffee.

When I was pregnant with Sam, the Dixie Chicks were big and I would listen to the song “Wide Open Spaces” many days as I drove to the school in Fort Worth, Texas where I taught third grade. I just loved the vibe of the song – it made me happy. I didn’t really think much about the fact that my much awaited baby would someday be a young adult looking for “room to make the big mistakes.” Today I have it cued up on my Apple Music and  I will listen to it on repeat, reflecting on these past 21 years with much gratitude, wondering how time has gone by quite so fast, and sending all the good vibes I can into the universe for this child of mine.