The Next Level

One of my 23 for 2023 goals was to get a new zoom-ier lens for my camera. I did a good amount of research before buying this lens – I wanted something that would give me further reach than the zoom lens that came with my camera; I wanted a high quality lens, but I did not want to spend more than $1,000. My price range filtered out major brand names like Canon, but there are some very good third party lens manufacturers out there, and I chose Sigma for their excellent reviews. 

This weekend was the first chance I had to take it out into the field, and I am so happy with my purchase. I visited three different areas in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park – the Bath Road Heronry, the Beaver Marsh, and Station Road Bridge. The great blue herons are due back very soon, with the males beginning to prepare the nests sometime in mid-February. I didn’t see much action there, but one pair did circle around a while, and a single heron landed in one of the trees and hung out for a while. Beaver Marsh is a place I have also seen great blue herons in the past, but this time I only saw Canada geese and mallard ducks. 

I have visited the Station Road Bridge trail several times since mid-January and while I had seen the eagles’ nest, I didn’t see any eagles. I was thrilled to see a nesting pair both yesterday and today. They apparently have some eggs, because they appear to be taking turns sitting on the nest (the nest is very large and very deep so you can’t actually see an eagle when they are sitting on the nest, only when they pop their head up or leave the nest). The nest is across the Cuyahoga River from the best viewing area, which I am happy about because it means that I could take my photos and not bother the birds. 

I’m finding that wildlife photography is mainly just waiting around for something to show up, and I did have to wait several hours both days to get the photos I’m sharing here. What was really lovely is the fact that I met some other birders/photographers while we waited and heard some of their stories/tips.  I still have an enormous learning curve, but I’m so excited to go to the next level with my photos – I hope you enjoy them!


Michelle xoxo

January 22

Hello, friends. I thought that, as the year goes by, I would share with you what I’ve checked off of my “23 for 2023” list so far. One of the things on my list is to review the list on the 23rd of each month. As today is the 22nd and I will be unlikely to write a blog post on a weekday, I am checking in now.

I have bought a pair of high quality walking/hiking shoes. One of the things I was looking for in a shoe was a wide, natural-shaped toe box, as I have trouble with bunions and want to be nicer to my feet now than I was in my younger years. I bought these shoes by Topo, a company known for making hiking and trail running shoes that have a natural shape to them. I got a blister the first time I wore them for a one-hour walk, which cooled my ardor, but I think I just have to be patient and break them in.

I went to Hallmark last weekend and bought my Valentine’s Day cards, so I’m planning to write those out and mail them at the beginning of February.

January Joy Box I told you about in my last post – I’m enjoying it so much and plan to put in an order for some more perfume samples when January is over. 

I’ve planned when my first visit to see my mother will be – for her 92nd birthday in April! I’m really looking forward to that. Just have to buy my tickets. 

I went to the trailhead where the eagle’s nest is again (just to clarify, the nest is across the river from the trail, so no eagles will be disturbed in this quest). No eagles yet, but I did see a red-shouldered hawk and a lovely duck couple. 

Oh! And I’ve already read 4 novels since January first! A dear friend recommended the book “Other Birds” by Sarah Addison Allen. There was a waiting list for that particular book at the library, so I checked out a couple of the author’s other books while I waited (“Garden Spells” and “First Frost”). After finishing these and Other Birds I read “The Girl Who Chased the Moon.” Lovely. All of this author’s books I’ve read so far are in a genre called magical realism. I will be sad when I’ve read everything she’s written so far, but she’s young so there’s a lot to look forward to.

Tomorrow begins a busy-season-within-a-busy-season for me at work. It will be five weeks long. I’m hoping to not have to do any overtime this time, but that is probably unlikely. We’ll see!

Have a great week!


Michelle xoxo