Daily Dose of Beauty and Some Happy, Too

On Fridays I usually do a “Things That Make Me Happy” post. I just started writing a post about a television show that I am currently in love with. It’s called “The Detectorists” and it is a comedy that ran on BBC 4 from 2014 to 2017 (we’re streaming it on Amazon Prime). Here’s a link to a trailer on YouTube. There are 19 episodes in total and I am savoring each one. The problem is, I can’t write an entire post about the show without it turning into a review. All I really want to say is that it is funny and lovely and will fill you with joy.

The tulips that I bought a week ago (and which were the subject of last week’s “Things That Make Me Happy” post) have opened up and are really quite stunning. When they first started opening up I thought they had a bit of a venus fly trap vibe and were kind of creepy looking, but as they continued to open up I’ve come to appreciate their unique beauty.

The weather here has been schizophrenic – warm and sunny one day, cold enough to wear full winter gear the next. Today it actually snowed. Trees are leafing out, lawns are looking positively lush, and we had the most gorgeous sunset the other night.

This was another full-on work week. I had a personal milestone yesterday – the first day since I started working remotely that I actually wore work clothes instead of yoga pants and sweatshirts while working. It was also the first day since working remotely that I weighed myself.

Yeah – the two milestones are related.

Have a great weekend, friends. I’ll see you back here on Monday.


Michelle xoxo