Going For A Gondola Ride

I am a big fan of the YouTube yoga instructor Adriene Mishler of “Yoga with Adriene” fame. She is down-to-earth, funny, self deprecating in an adorable way – just a lovely human. I must admit my yoga practice, if it could ever really have been called such, is on hold at the moment, for no particular reason except I can’t seem to find the motivation (although the benefits are so great that I really can’t figure out why). Anyway, although I haven’t been yoga-ing lately, I do receive a Sunday morning email message from Adriene that is always a wonderful way to begin a new week.

This week’s message resonated with me, especially this:

“These days it is no secret we are on a ride. Somedays it’s the Shockwave, others The Joker. Sometimes you feel like you are on The Texas Rattler, one of those large wooden rollercoasters, or perhaps one day – all metal – get in the cage – like The Zipper! And, in a strange but very romantic moment with yourself and/or your loved ones, sometimes you are on a gondola, or you are on a sailboat, sailing away.”

Last night was a gondola night.

Earlier in the day, I texted my across-the-street neighbor Emily (who also happens to be my boss, but that’s another story!) that I was going to be consuming her favorite drink that night:

When I saw her response, I wasn’t sure how to reply. Unfortunately we have observed other neighbors holding “social distanced” outdoor get-togethers where the distancing was decidedly suspect. I wanted no part of that, so I responded:

Which resulted in:

We carefully positioned our chairs six feet from the sidewalks so that we wouldn’t endanger people going out for their evening constitutional. Emily, her husband Bob, Chris & Jenny, and my little group sat there for about an hour, asking for recommendations for TV shows to binge-watch, inquiring about children who have left the nest and are weathering this new coronavirus climate on their own, comparing notes on working remotely, and just generally catching up. It was so lovely I am getting choked up just writing about it. 

After the happy hour was over, we retired back to our respective houses, promising to do this again when the weather permitted. Chris, Sam, and I continued our new Saturday tradition of ordering take-out dinner from Chili’s and watching a movie (Jojo Rabbit this week).

I hope you have found ways to step off the roller coaster now and then and enjoy a gondola ride with your loved ones. 


Michelle xoxo