Hi friends,

Oof, I’m having a hard time of it at the moment. Nature helps. Exercise helps. Sticking to a healthy eating plan helps. Hydration helps. Let’s see, what else helps? Getting lost in a novel. Putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Trying to learn the steps to this dance. Stretching. FaceTiming with loved ones.

The bird in the top photo above is a double-crested cormorant. I saw it in a retention pond next to the parking lot of my gym one morning. I laughed because it seemed such an unlikely place to see one. The rest of the photos were taken yesterday morning and this morning in “my” marsh. It was a very quiet weekend at the marsh. I think migration has begun for a lot of species? Usually there are a ton of tree swallows, who have iridescent blue backs and heads, but yesterday there were no tree swallows and a gazillion barn swallows (dark brown head and back, light brown and buff chest). Both days there were large groups of immature cedar waxwings (6th photo from the top), when I usually see none whatsoever.

Next weekend I probably will not have time for a blog post, but I’ll be back the following weekend. Take care of yourselves!


Michelle xoxo

One comment on “Struggle

  • Terry Murphy

    Peace to you, my friend. 😊

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