Yes, this was last week! An inch of snow, gone by evening.

I’m typing this post as I sit at the kitchen counter – do they still call it a “breakfast bar” or is that a holdover from my 1970’s childhood? Anyway, I’m sitting here typing and every few moments I turn to the window and see if any hummingbirds are visiting the feeder. Ordinarily I would have thought late April too early to start looking for hummingbirds here in northeast Ohio, but there have been sightings! I frequent the website Hummingbird Central (link here) which tracks the spring and fall migration of hummingbirds. My feeder has been up for a week with absolutely no action, but I’m hopeful for something soon.

I’m puppy-sitting this weekend, which is bringing me great joy. I love Pokey so much! Today, walking in the park, a woman passed and said, “Hi sweetheart! What a wonderful smile you have!” She was talking to Pokey of course. Pokey loves people! With other dogs, however, he is socially awkward. He just can’t figure them out.

I can’t think of anything else to write at the moment, but I did want to share some photos with you and let you know I’m doing well. I hope you have a wonderful week!


Michelle xoxo

One comment on “Spring!

  • Janice

    Love your photos!
    I wish i could take nice photos on my camera but they never come out close up, i guess i dont have the knack for picture taking. Love the birds!

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