Happy Spring! Slowly, slowly, signs of spring are emerging all around. The robins are back. Crocuses and snowdrops are blooming, about to be followed by the daffodils. Trees are budding out.

Today I took my camera to my local park (very local, as it is located at the end of my street) to capture some of this spring awakening on film (well, memory card). I left the trail and found a fallen tree that made a perfect seat upon which to sit, look, and listen. I hung out there a good hour and a half. I heard what I’m sure was a pileated woodpecker somewhere off in the distance (they make quite a racket). I was slightly spooked by a vulture slowly soaring by, sniffing out carrion (I confess I took this opportunity to stand up and move around a bit). I saw a few smaller woodpeckers doing their thing, but they were too far away for me to get a good photo.

Then I saw a couple of black capped chickadees hanging out in a nearby bush. One at a time, taking turns, the chickadees flew to a nearby (standing) dead tree and pecked at it. There was already a hole in the tree and they nearly disappeared completely into the hole as they worked on enlarging it. We get chickadees at our feeder, but I had never seen this type of behavior in our backyard before. I subsequently found out from this article on the Audubon Society’s website that chickadees build their nests in holes they create in trees. After the male and female nesting pair create the hole (about 8 inches deep), the female will line it with moss or fur to make it comfy for the eggs and nestlings.

I don’t know what I thought the chickadees were doing (eating wood? bugs?) but when I found out that they were making a nest together, it filled me with joy. I’ve never witnessed a bird actually making a nest – ever! We did have a robin make a nest on our front door wreath last spring, which was very cool and a little annoying (having to go in and out of the house through the garage door until the fledglings left the nest weeks later), but we didn’t actually see her create it. What a treat it was, on this gorgeous, sunny, warm, early spring day, to be able to hang out with the chickadees and watch them prepare for their babies’ arrival.


Michelle xoxo