Hello Friends,

In the last few days I have driven 650 miles, read a book, spent time with Sam, had a fun morning with my BFF Beth, taken several naps, and enjoyed many Pokey cuddles. The book I read, The Night In Question by Susan Fletcher, was a surprise. I knew that it was a murder mystery and that the protagonist was an elderly woman. I was surprised by the fact that it is much, much more than that. Tender, life-affirming, sad, joyful – it is a celebration of family, friendship, romantic love, and letting yourself be truly seen by the people who love you.

It’s 9:30 on Sunday night as I write this, and I am realizing that the last few days have been so full that I haven’t spent any time thinking about what I might write here this week, and now I’m getting very sleepy. Oops.

I will do better next week. I hope!


Michelle xoxo