Hello friends!

Can I just say first off that the photo of the sodden cardinal above cracks me up every time I look at it? It reminds me so much of Sam the Eagle from the Muppet Show:

Separated at birth?

Anyway, back to this week’s blog post. I had a post percolating in my head for the last couple of days, but I realized as I sat down tonight to write it that it needs to percolate for a few more days – which left a large void in my head where a new blog post would normally reside, so instead of an actual post I thought I’d share some of my favorite photos from this week. I’ve been really interested in catching the birds in flight lately, which results in me taking a zillion photos and subsequently deleting slightly less than a zillion off of the memory stick (photos of birds that don’t actually contain birds, or photos of birds that look less like birds and more like abstract art).

I’ll try to write again midweek.


Michelle xoxo