We watched “Interstellar” Saturday night, for probably the third time. If you’ve never seen it, a brief synopsis: on a near-future drought-destroyed Earth, a small handful of astronauts and scientists embark on a long-shot mission to save all of humanity. The thing that makes Interstellar fun, though, is how it plays with the idea of time travel – not actually walking around in the past like Marty McFly in Back to the Future, but subtly leaving clues to our former selves to help them out in some way. I’m a sucker for all time travel stories and alternate reality stories.
While watching the movie, I remembered a Facebook post I made about a year and a half ago:
“I had an “Interstellar” moment this morning. I run a loop around my neighborhood three times each morning. On my second time around this morning, I looked at my first-loop footprints and thought, “a different version of me left those prints, one that had just woken up and was still shaking off sleep. Now I’m on my second lap and I feel awake and tinglingly alive.” I left a message for the future me, who would be finishing up the run in about 14 minutes. It made me smile to write it and smile to encounter it later on. A message from the past. 😊
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about how life can only be lived in this present moment. It is always “today,” always “right now”. So, today is the day I was born, is the day I graduated high school, is the day I gave birth to Sam, is the day I wrote this post, is the day I die. Looking at life this way truly helps me appreciate how precious this moment is, no matter what is happening in it.”
We all just want what is going on now, this global pandemic, to be over – to fast forward 6 weeks, or 8 weeks, or however long it is. To have life be normal again.
I’m grateful to my past self for reminding me that now is all I have, as surreal and scary as it may be sometimes. And I’m grateful for now, to be alive in this moment.
Remember your 5-year-old self? (S)he’s still in there. Treat yourself accordingly.
Last summer I was shopping for a dress for a work function. I was in the dressing room of Talbots and there was another woman in there as well, trying on dresses and working with a salesperson. This fellow shopper sounded very friendly and upbeat in her interactions with the salesperson, but when the saleswoman was gone I heard an ugly voice from her side of the dressing room: “You look ridiculous in this dress. You’re so stupid. You always look stupid…” On and on the voice went. At first I thought this pleasant lady was accompanied by an abusive friend or relative. It then dawned on me that she was talking to herself. The realization was so disturbing – I felt that this woman must be mentally ill, and I was so sad for her.
Then I had a second realization. Those words that sounded so crazy and disturbing spoken out loud were not so very far from words I have silently thought about myself when confronted with my reflection on a bad day. Most of us do not go around berating ourselves out loud, but how many of us have looked in the mirror and thought, “Ugh!” or “I’m so fat” or “I look so OLD”? Imagine a loved one trying on a new outfit for you. Would you say any of the above to them? Why do we feel it is acceptable to talk to ourselves this way? Why does love and acceptance flow so freely from us for our loved ones, but is rationed out with Scrooge-like reluctance for ourselves?
The inner critic can be relentless and cruel. Many of our inner critics have found brand new material during this time of sheltering in place. Parents trying to home-school their children have told me they feel like total failures at it. Some people trying to help support local businesses have nevertheless felt guilty about possibly exposing someone delivering a pizza to the virus (in case they are somehow asymptomatic). Was that pizza essential? You can drive yourself mad trying to do the right thing these days, because there is so much that is uncertain and so much that is brand new for us.
I generally expect a lot of myself. Before I really started working remotely and I had a lot of extra time on my hands I made up daily schedules so that I could be productive in other ways. Drying fruit in the dehydrator, writing cards to people, getting a certain amount of writing done each day. And I’ve been hard on myself when maybe my food choices haven’t been the best, or I didn’t get through everything on the to-do list. Now that I am navigating the new world of accessing my workplace remotely, working within a narrow window of time each day because we are all sharing computers, it could be so easy to be disappointed with myself for getting behind in my work, or taking “too long” to catch on to a new process we are using.
Let’s drown out the inner critic with a quiet, persistent gentleness for ourselves.
Put “take a nap” on your to-do list, and give yourself a smiley sticker when you’ve accomplished that goal. Are your kids healthy, well fed, reasonably happy? High fives all around. They can make their life-sized diorama of the Hadron Collider when this is all over.
One of my favorite types of meditation is called Loving-Kindness, or Metta, meditation. I will discuss my meditation practice and the reasons why I meditate (including what science is showing about what happens to our brains when we meditate) in another post, but today I want to share with you a common mantra in Loving-Kindness meditation that I think is very appropriate for the times we find ourselves in right now:
“May you be safe. May you be healthy. May you be happy. May you live with ease.”
The next time you look in the mirror, treat yourself to some loving-kindness. You deserve it.
Michelle xoxo
P.S. If you’re curious about Loving-Kindness meditation, try this meditation guided by Sharon Salzberg, one of the giants in the world of meditation instruction.
When I was diagnosed with cancer in early 2014, I let my Facebook friends know what was going on in my life. Everyone is different when it comes to sharing news like that – several people I know have kept that news more private, but I weighed privacy with the support that I knew I would receive and decided on disclosure. The results were mixed (one high school friend called me up pretty much to tell me how afraid she was of getting breast cancer because her mother died of breast cancer), but I don’t regret it.
Enter Remy. He arrived in an Amazon box one day with no note inside saying who he was from. A mystery! That in itself is delightful. Eventually we found out that my Facebook friend (we’ve never met in person) Liz sent him to me to comfort me while I was going through treatment. I named him Remy because I knew his presence in my life would feel very healing – I shortened the word “remedy” to “Remy.”
Remy is super soft on the outside and filled with buckwheat hulls on the inside, so you can microwave him and use him the way you would a hot water bottle, or you can put him in the fridge or freezer and use him if you need a cold compress. I know, poor Remy! He really takes it for the team.
He used to be lavender-scented, but that wore off a few years ago. He’s also looking a little worse for the wear. I could insert a quote from The Velveteen Rabbit here, but I will save you from that!
I can’t tell you just how much comfort this little guy has brought me over the years. There’s just something about being warmed when you’re feeling cold – think roaring fire, bowl of soup, cup of tea, hot water bottle, heated blanket – that makes you feel like a small child again, in the best possible way.
Today was a funny old day. I had a doctor’s appointment at 8:45 (no, not coronavirus-related) and an over-the-phone lesson in how to remote into one of the work computers we’ll be sharing. After a late breakfast there was a conference call for our department in which we were told what we need to accomplish in the three hour window we are all being given each day. I must say I’m glad to be getting back to work. It will be a challenge – for one thing, in my cubicle at work I have three computer monitors and could easily use a fourth because we all need to have multiple windows open all the time. For the next few weeks I will be using my laptop. It’s going to get crowded!
Speaking of crowded, Sam and I went for a walk this afternoon, an idea that must have struck half of the neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods at the same time. Definitely an exercise in serpentine evasive maneuvers!
Nature was putting on a lovely albeit quiet show along the way. I tried to really focus on the subtle changes around me. The trees are starting to bud out, crocuses and daffodils are blooming. The forsythia can’t be far behind. I’m finding that when I’m feeling frazzled (which is more often during this pandemic than usual) focusing on the beauty of the world around me helps smooth out the rough edges.
Sam and I went for our usual evening walk tonight and the sky was so lovely. I just knew it would be a good sunset today – I’ve learned that what differentiates a “blah” sunset from a stunning sunset is the quality of the clouds in the sky. Wispy clouds are best, apparently. These photos don’t do tonight’s sunset justice – trust me, it was gorgeous. And I wanted so much to be able to go to our sunset park to view it, but I knew that watching the sunset from the ledges at the park was not an “essential” outing. But, gosh, it sure felt essential tonight.
We are hunkering down here – coffee machine coffee, puzzles, the start of online classes for Sam now that the weirdest Spring Break ever is over. Chris is composing in his studio, as usual. It still feels so surreal, and I’m not used to this “new normal” – will most likely never get used to it, but spirits are moderately high (thanks to lots of fresh air and walks). Actually, I can’t honestly say spirits are moderately high. Let’s say, spirits are moderately moderate and hanging in there. I hope you are hanging in there, too, being gentle with yourself, and staying healthy.
In anticipation of the “Stay at Home” order which takes effect tonight at 11:59, I popped over to our local crafting store, JoAnn’s Fabrics, this morning. I have a couple projects I’m working on (which I’ll reveal here sometime this week, hopefully) and I needed some supplies. JoAnn’s is a national chain that just happens to have its headquarters, and a large flagship store, in the town where I live.
As I was roaming the aisles, maintaining a 6-foot bubble of protection around me, I heard a couple of women talking to one of the employees about a project they each happened to be working on. When the employee mentioned, “This much fabric should be enough to make 30 masks,” it dawned on me. The customers were preparing to sew surgical masks to help local hospitals.
I knew about this movement, started in response to the dangerously low supplies of personal protective equipment in many of this country’s major hospitals. Volunteers across the country are sewing masks, sharing patterns, and posting tutorials on YouTube. On JoAnn Fabric’s website there is a page dedicated to supporting this volunteer effort.
Even though I knew this sort of thing was going on, actually seeing people buying the fabric for their face mask projects choked me up. Seeing the goodness of these people and their eagerness to help during this scary time just made me feel like the Grinch when his heart grows three sizes.
Which brings us to my next stop this morning – Open Door Coffee. We’ve been buying carryout coffee at Open Door ever since governor DeWine’s order that closed all Ohio bars and restaurants to in-house customers (which seems like ages ago but was only 8 days ago), in an effort to help support our favorite local business. Deborah (the owner) and her crew of exceptional young people have been so good to us over the years. As I approached the front door, I saw the sign below and my heart sunk:
Inside, I asked a solemn-looking Deborah what was going on. I knew that under the provisions of the Stay at Home order Open Door could continue operating for take out. Deborah said that even though she could technically stay open for the duration of the order, she didn’t feel that she could adequately protect her employees. She said, “It’s a decision that makes my stomach hurt, but I know it’s the right thing to do.” Sigh.
When I left my house this morning for these two errands, I had no idea what was in store for me – compelling evidence that although there still may be people hoarding and fights over toilet paper in grocery stores, there are many more people out there quietly doing the best that they can.
Today Ohio’s governor Mike DeWine signed a “Stay at Home” order which will begin tomorrow night at 11:59pm. This is the same thing as what has been called “Shelter in Place” in other states – people must only leave their houses to take care of “essential” business, and only essential businesses can keep their doors open. The key exception is that people are allowed to get fresh air and exercise as long as they maintain social distancing.
Now, I’m a big walker. I walk every morning around 6am and when Sam is home I walk at least one more time in the evening. BCV (before coronavirus) I would see the same three people out at 6am – all of them walking their dogs. On evening walks Sam and I would run into maybe two or three other people out walking dogs or getting some fresh air. When we drove to one of the trail heads for a walk in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park, there might be half a dozen cars in the parking lot on an early spring day.
This weekend there were people everywhere! We gave up on going to one of the national park trail heads because all of the parking lots were nearly full. Now, there is plenty of space in the National Park for all of these people to maintain social distancing, but Sam and I didn’t feel like joining so large of a crowd. In our little neighborhood park there were also several more people out than usual but fewer than in the big park. On the one hand it makes me very happy to see people exercising (someone said recently that there are a lot of happy dogs out there who have never been walked so much in their lives), but it does make it tricky sometimes to keep the 6 foot distance. If we passed people on the trail, both parties clung to the opposite edges of the trail, or veered off the trail to maintain distance. This morning when I went to pick up some coffee at Open Door, a couple coming toward me from the opposite direction walked well into the street to avoid coming close to me. I was appreciative of their caution, but worried that they might escape the virus but not the front end of an approaching car.
Tonight I was reading this article in the New York Times which discussed how people can venture out for exercise safely in this time of social distancing. The article emphasized how important it is, especially during this stressful time, to reap the physical and mental benefits of fresh air and exercise, but acknowledged that going for walks in a city like New York has its challenges: “Even on the wider sidewalks of the borough’s main arteries, any attempt to avoid a near-brush with pedestrians passing the other way would require serpentine-style evasive maneuvers typically associated with soldiers dodging gunfire on the battlefield.”
I may be showing my age here, but seeing the phrase “serpentine-style evasive maneuvers” brought to mind the 1979 movie “The In-Laws.” In the movie, future in-laws Peter Falk (shady CIA-type) and Alan Arkin (mild-mannered dentist) get pulled into a wild adventure that at one point involves dodging gunfire on a South American airstrip. As they are are running toward the safety of a car, Peter Falk yells to Alan Arkin, “Serpentine! Serpentine!” and indicates that Arkin is to zig-zag across the field to avoid the gunfire.
Here’s the scene:
Watching the clip again, it makes me laugh. We don’t look quite that ridiculous trying to avoid each other out there, and I don’t want to make too light of what is in fact a deadly serious effort to save lives, but in a time when anxiety seems to be the leading emotion, what a relief to be able to release some of that anxiety in laughter.
I love podcasts. They entertain me, educate me, enlighten me, and quite often bring me joy. I discovered them about two years ago, and started listening as I walked in the morning and on long car rides. The collage at the top of this post shows the logos for some of my favorites. During this time of social distancing and sheltering in place, it seems to me that podcasts are one of the many ways that technology can help us maintain our positivity. If you have never listened to a podcast, here are some instructions on how to get started.
Yesterday was a long, exhausting day. Sam, his dad, and I drove down to Cincinnati (two cars) to move Sam out of his dorm room, which is actually a one bedroom apartment. The drive itself was fine. The move itself was busy but fine. It was the threat of COVID-19 that made the whole process exhausting. It’s nearly impossible to drive four hours somewhere and back without getting gasoline or visiting a public restroom at least once each way. Sanitize, sanitize. Then the actual move required us to make several trips into his dorm, up and down the elevator, to get the job done. Sanitize, sanitize, sanitize. We tried to use elbows and coat sleeves as much as possible to touch things, but even then the need to sanitize (even if it was purely emotionally-driven) after every encounter with a strange surface was draining.
On the drive home I had Sam in my car, and we were both wiped out and our anxiety was manifesting itself as crankiness. Then I pressed play on an episode of The Moth. The Moth is a podcast produced by Atlantic Public Media. An episode consists of three or four stories (one story per storyteller) told in front of a live audience. The stories must be true, “as remembered by the storyteller.” Each episode has a general theme. Moth stories have made me laugh and cry (sometimes within the same story), and they always renew my faith in humanity.
As we drove along, me focusing on the road, Sam listening while he also played a video game, I could feel the energy in the car shift. Sam cracked up at something one of the storytellers said, and the sound of his laughter calmed me more than the content of any of the stories we heard along the way. It was magical, the transformation that occurred. When we arrived back home, we were still tired, but our spirits were light.