Hello friends,

“You’ve Got Mail” is one of my favorite movies. In it, the characters played by Meg Ryan (Kathleen) and Tom Hanks (Joe) only know each other online (or so she thinks). At one point Kathleen asks Joe if they should meet in real life. Joe types, “We should meet. And we will meet. But I’m in the middle of a project that needs…tweaking.” The plot is too convoluted to go into here, but I have always loved that line.

I’m not posting my one word theme for 2025 or my 25 for 2025 until next weekend because…I’m in the middle of a project that needs tweaking. I know, I know. You’ve been counting the days until today, waiting feverishly for my 25 for 2025 list. I’m sorry. You’ll just have to wait a little while longer. In the meantime, please enjoy these photos, all taken today.

I drove up to Lake Erie this morning. It was snowing all day Friday and Saturday so I didn’t get out much, but today was without any real precipitation, and even promised a little bit of sunshine, so I continued my quest for a photo of a snowy owl. I drove up to Fairport Harbor, where a snowy owl has been seen nearly every day for the last month (just not on the days I drove up). I joined the little group of brave photographers waiting in the frigid weather (single digit wind chill) for that owl. I stayed for about an hour and a half, warming up in my car halfway through, but no snowy owl showed up. I cut my losses and drove to the next location, Cleveland Lakefront Nature Preserve, as a northern saw-whet owl had been spotted there. Northern saw-whet owls are tiny! They are about the same weight as a blue-jay, and the one that I saw (I saw it! Proof above!) was about the same size as a softball. The only reason I was able to find it is that someone else had found it first and showed me. It was asleep the entire time I stood there watching and clicking. I wish I could have seen its owl-y eyes, but I’m feeling so lucky to have seen it at all.

And oh, yes – that bald eagle was spectacular, even though he didn’t stay long enough for an extensive photo session. And the deer – those eyes! They were right next to the trail, and stole my heart.

Last weekend, when I wrote just a tiny bit in my blog post – I was exhausted. Work had worn me to a nub. But I found a different perspective over the following days, and that has made all the difference. I’ll explain more next week.

Have a wonderful week, and I’ll see you next Sunday.

Michelle xoxo