I catch a lot of sunrises these days – with the clocks turned back my morning walks coincide perfectly with the sunrise. Sunsets are a little trickier – I have to get in my car and drive to the best sunset vista in town. I have to make sure I start work early so that I can be out in time for the sunset, which at the moment happens at about 5:00.

Do you know why some sunsets are prettier than others? Much of it has to do with clouds. A sky with no clouds at all will produce your run-of-the-mill pretty sunset. Too many clouds, or too dense, and the sunset is hidden from view. What you need are scattered, wispy clouds. There are other factors of course – humidity, prior rainfall, visibility, and wind speed – but what I look for are the clouds.

Last night, alas, there were no clouds. It was incredibly warm, however, with temperatures in the sixties and into the seventies all day. I decided mid-afternoon that I would eat my evening meal whilst watching the sunset, so after work I rushed over to our local sandwich shop and grabbed a steak-and-cheese sandwich (the photo isn’t very pretty – definitely not “Instagram worthy” – but boy, was it delicious), a bag of chips, and a Diet Pepsi and off I went.

It was a beautiful night, and I could forget for an hour or so the craziness that continues in this country.


Michelle xoxo

2 comments on “Sunrise, Sunset

  • Valerie

    Continue to enjoy your pictures – you must share the local look place for sunsets – looks great. Peace.

    • MichelleC

      Thanks, Val!

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