Ta-daaaa! Finally finished.

I have a case of the “blahs.”

I’ve sat in front of this laptop the last couple of days feeling like I don’t have much to say. Maybe, having written almost every day for the last couple of weeks, I’m learning that I have to pace myself. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

I’ve been fairly productive since Sunday. In the kitchen arena I’ve made a lemon-coconut cake; spaghetti and meatballs; roasted red pepper and tomato soup; dehydrated oranges, grapefruit, and apples; and banana bread. I’ve been walking up a storm, racking up 19,969 steps Sunday, 18,119 steps yesterday and 10,254 steps so far today. I’ve gotten a lot done “at work” as well – I’ve been assigned a new computer to log into, which is resulting in my being able to work slightly longer hours each day. Oh, and I finished my puzzle!

But still, blah.

Maybe the novelty of this stay-at-home business is wearing off for me. The uncertainty (will the stay-at-home order really end on April 30? Or will it have to be extended?) is definitely enough to make me feel off-kilter. Part of me feels guilty for feeling off-kilter because I really have it so good – a job, a job that is paying me for 40 hours a week even though I’m only working about 20, a job that I can perform in the safety of my own home, a mother who is safely ensconced in my sister’s house and who just turned 89 years old on Sunday, my own health as well as the health of the rest of my family, enough food and necessities to last us for weeks if so required. 

I think I need to remind myself that we are living through a public health crisis of historic proportions. And regardless of my good fortune, feeling off-kilter is an appropriate reaction to this reality. 

I will be back on Friday with my “Things That Make Me Happy” post. Until then, take care of yourselves and stay safe, my friends.


Michelle xoxo