Hello friends,

I began this blog in February, 2020, just a few weeks before Covid hit North America and the world turned upside down. This is my 200th post. 200! I sort of can’t believe I’ve had quite this much to say, and truth be told many times along the way I felt like the well had run dry. I imagined you all saying, “We get it – you love nature! Enough already!”

I also turned 61 last week. On the day, I was feeling a bit lonely and burned out from work, so I didn’t appreciate it as much as I should have. But I am ever so grateful to still be here.

I want to thank all of you, dear friends and family, for following me from Facebook over to this blog. I also want to thank my biggest fan, Chris, for posting the link to Facebook every time I post here.

I’ve written and deleted about three posts’ worth of words over the last hour. I feel like the 200th post deserves something weighty, somehow. But nope. It’s not happening. Lol.

Have a great week!


Michelle xoxo

One comment on “200 at 61

  • Janice Duquette

    Happy Birthday Shell!
    Love all your beautiful nature pics! See you soon.

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