One of my first posts on this blog, back in February of 2020, was my “20 for 2020” list. It was an idea I copied from one of my favorite podcasters, Gretchen Rubin. Every year Gretchen and her sister Elizabeth come up with a list of things they want to accomplish at some point in the year (more information here). They aren’t resolutions – one of the items on Elizabeth’s first lists was to “find the perfect gold necklace” – but are more along the lines of things that you feel will enhance your life in some way. For my “21 for 2021” list, I brainstormed a list of things I want to do this year that relate to my 2021 theme of “Tend.” Many of the things on my list are things I do already, just not on as regular a basis as I would like, or they are new interests/habits that I want to invest in more fully. I have some fun one-offs on the list (the Great Backyard Bird Count and the Christmas Bird Count), some items that will be a pure joy (sunsets!), and some that will require some discipline (writing daily in my gratitude journal).

I would say that I accomplished some important items on my 20 for 2020 list (“get a laptop computer”, “start blogging”, “Daily movement – at least 30 minutes”) but many of the items (“get a pedicure”, “get a massage”, “college reunion road trip with my friend Lori”, among others) fell victim to covid. This year’s goals do not assume that life will return to “normal” at some point, although hopefully we’ll have some semblance of normal before the year’s end. 

Michelle’s 21 for 2021 List

Tending to my Family and Friends

  1. Send snail mail birthday cards to everyone in my address book
  2. Celebrate minor holidays as well as major holidays by sending greetings to friends and loved ones
  3. Keep up with my nieces and nephew – birthdays, etc.
  4. Keep in touch with all close friends and family by any means available – text, Zoom, emails, snail mails – on at least a monthly basis (hopefully more often!)

Keeping Close to the Natural World

  1. Participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count February 12 – 15
  2. Participate in the Christmas Bird Count December 12, 2021 – January 5, 2022
  3. View at least one sunset per month
  4. Hike every trail in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park
  5. Join The Audubon Society – both locally and nationally; attend at least one event, even if by Zoom

Nurturing my Writing

  1. Write at least one blog post per week
  2. Write in my Gratitude Journal daily

Nurturing my Photography

  1. Seek out tutorials online and books on photography
  2. Create a “Book of Now”

Tending to my Home Environment

  1. Create a cozy corner
  2. Print, frame, and hang favorite family and travel photos

Tending to my Health

  1. Take care of my feet! Daily Aquaphor + socks, regular self-pedicures
  2. Exercise aerobically at least 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week 
  3. Stretch/practice yoga every day, even if it’s only for a few minutes 
  4. Research and come up with a specific strategy for dealing with unhealthy snacking urges

Tending to my Future

  1. Research where I want to live in retirement; think about how I want to live in retirement (joint project with Chris!)
  2. Collect photos/ideas for what features I want in our new house (see #20)

What things are you hoping to accomplish this year? Anything fun? Let me know! In six months I will let you know how I’m doing with my 21 for 2021.


Michelle xoxo